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Hazardous Area Classification

Hazardous Area Classification

What is a Hazardous Area Classification?

A Hazardous Area classification is a method of analysing and classifying the environment where explosive atmospheres could occur to allow electrical workers to select equipment appropriate for the area. A hazardous area classification a detailed engineering assessment that looks at a range of factors that will influence the size and extent of a site hazardous area

Hazardous area classification assesses the following

  • Likelihood and duration of the explosive atmosphere
  • Ignition temperature of the gas, vapour or dust cloud
  • Upper and lower explosive limits of the gas, vapour or dust cloud
  • Ignition Energy of the gas, vapour or dust cloud
  • Relative density of the gas
We conduct Hazardous Area Classifications to any national or international standards for:
    • ..Flammable Gases, Vapours and Mists
    • ..Combustible Dusts
    • ..Tank Farms for Flammable & Combustible Liquid Storage
    • ..Dangerous good storage


Hazardous Area Classification of gases, dusts and mists is generally conducted to AS/NZS 60079.10.1 (which supersedes the AS/NZS 2430.3 series and incorporates these as national annexes).

On occasion, reference is also made to other standards such as IP-15 or API-505 or selections from the NFPA series where further clarification may be required.


Hazardous Area Classification reports can take some time to draft and should be compiled by a competent person.

It is expected that a draft report will be sent, complete with draft Hazardous Area Classification drawings for client comment, prior to the issue of the final report.